Legal Notice
Data protection clause
According to the obligations set by Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, the client whose data appear in the present form, expressly allows Polymec SL to treat their personal data with the purpose of carrying out billing and promotion of the services offered by making use of them, as well as to authorize the communication with those companies with which Polymec S.L. may have an agreement of provision and promotion of services. The data will be compiled in an automated file belonging to Polymec S.L., which has the necessary security measures for their confidentiality. You are entitled to exercise, according to the law, your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, writing to:
- Polymec, S.L.
- Pol. Industrial de Lorquí
- C/ Río Manzanares. Parc. B23
- 30568 Lorquí. Murcia. España
Legal Notice
The intellectual property rights of this web, its design, graphics and codes which it contains are property of Polymec S.L. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation of the present work, unless it is for personal or private use, constitutes an infringement of the rights of Intellectual Property. Likewise, all the brands or distinctive signs of any kind are protected by Law.
The unauthorized use of the information contained in this web, as well as the legal injury caused on the rights of intellectual and industrial property could lead to the exercise of the appropriate legal action and, if necessary, to the responsibilities derived from said exercise.
Polymec S.L. will look out for and will strive for avoiding mistakes and, in case these are made, repairing or updating them as soon as possible, not being able to guarantee their nonexistence nor the information content being continuously updated.
Polymec. S.L. will be entitled to carry out, at any time and without previous notice, amendments and updates of the information contained in the Website and the configuration and presentation thereof.
Both access to the Webpage, as well as any use that may be made of the information contained therein are the exclusive responsibility of Polymec. S.L., which will not be held liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may be derived for said access or use of the information.
The information offered on this web is for informational purposes only.
Polymec. S.L. assumes no responsibility resulting from connecting up to the contents of links to third parties that are referred to on the web.
The treatment of personal data carried out on this web is subject to what is set out in the Personal Data Protection Law. The data collected will be transferred informatively or will be archived with the consent of the user, who can exercise their rights of access, rectification and cancellation through the appropriate procedures; they are, as well, entitled to decide who can own their data, what they are used for, demand these to be accurate and to be used for the exact purpose that they have been collected.